Student Initiative #DigitalChangeMaker

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Student Initiative #DigitalChangeMaker
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About the Initiative

The DigitalChangeMaker initiative, started by the Hochschulforum Digitalisierung (HFD) in 2018, supports students in becoming active participants instead of mere recipients in the digital transformation of higher education.

It is a nationwide cross-university network promoting student-led, learner-centered change in institutions. This student think tank does not just discuss change; it actively shapes higher education, ensuring that student voices are driving the transformation needed in higher education.

The DigitalChangeMaker initiative focuses on:


  • advocating for specific changes in digital higher education, like enhanced student participation, design of examinations, and uses of AI,
  • influencing the conversation on a learner-centered, sustainable higher education transformation,
  • providing support and guidance to higher education institutions for cross-university development.

Meet the DigitalChangeMakers!

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The Goals of the DigitalChangeMaker Initiative

The DigitalChangeMakers are currently working in four thematic peer groups to develop demands from a student perspective as well as ideas for change projects:

  1. Student Mental Health and Wellbeing
  2. Advancing Student-Centredness in Higher Education
  3. VR and XR as Inclusive Educational Technologies
  4. Higher Education Policies from a Student Perspective

How the HFD supports the DigitalChangeMakers

Exchange and Collaboration:

Hochschulforum Digitalisierung nurtures ChangeMakers through tailored workshops and connects them with experts in education and politics. This empowers them to influence the transformation of higher education.

Appearances as Speaker and Authors:

Leveraging our extensive network, we support DigitalChangeMakers to actively participate in conferences, panels, and workshops as recognised voices in the field.


DigitalChangeMaker Forum:

HFD hosts regular meet-ups, both digital and in-person, for current and former ChangeMakers. These gatherings are a space for sharing ideas and creating new synergies.

Projects by the DigitalChangeMakers

Discussion paper on rethinking student-centredness

Lea Bachus, Kevin Saukel, and Rene Rahrt offer a fresh perspective on student-centeredness in their Discussion Paper “Studierendenzentrierung neu denken” They explore how students can be more actively involved in both teaching and university governance. The insights from this work are now guiding a community working group, facilitated by the Hochschulforum Digitalisierung, to develop practical implementation strategies.


PartiDeck, initiated in December 2022, is a project focused on enhancing student participation in university life. It offers a toolkit for integrating various participation methods in strategic university processes. The project, spearheaded by the DigitalChangeMaker initiative, is currently developing both digital and physical versions of this participatory tool. A diverse team from across the university community is collaboratively working on this innovative project.

HFDvisions – Co-creating visions for the future of Higher Education

HFDvisions is a collaborative project where university leaders, students, and strategists jointly envision the future of their institutions. Supported by the HFD and the DigitalChangeMaker initiative, these vision teams work together, with ChangeMakers offering mentorship and creative input.


In June 2023, DigitalChangeMaker Johannes Schleiss published a paper (“Co-creating Visions with Higher Education Institutions: A Case Study in the German Higher Education Landscape”) which features the evaluation results the first two HFDvision cohorts.

Student Involvement is key to building European Universities, which we want to be future-proof and committed to all its members' perspectives. Within the European Digital UniverCity (EDUC) we take our students into the heart of our governance with an active student board with voting rights in our core governance body. Our vision is to have them on board for the future endeavors we tackle, especially for building a virtual campus. To move closer to this goal, we are currently setting up a student think lab which should run over a year and involve students, staff and external partners like the HFD. We’re excited to get started!
Katharina Kloss, Research & Community Manager, EDUC (Potsdam University)

Our Top 5 Tips to Increase Student Engagement on a Strategic Level

  1. Tip 1: Create proactive participation opportunities and low-threshold offers for interested students such as surveys among the student body, interviews with (randomly) selected students, or thematic workshops.

  2. Tip 2: Involve students as partners in the conception, coordination and management of participation formats.

  3. Tip 3: Communicate participation opportunities in an addressee-oriented manner jointly with student representatives or initiatives.

  4. Tip 4: Strengthen diversity in participation and show appreciation for student participation through its embedding in the curriculum or (financial) compensation.

  5. Tip 5: Establish strategic roles for students, such as student vice presidents or student digital officers.

How can I get involved?

All HFD programs are designed to be participatory. On our website you will find offers on numerous topics relating to the digital transformation in higher education – for all target groups involved!

How can I stay up to date?

1 – Subscribe to our newsletter.

2 – Follow us on X, Facebook, LinkedIn & Youtube.

3 – Register for the HFDnetzwerk to become a member of our community.

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