Reinventing education in the digital era
Reinventing education in the digital era
Be part of the 4-day foresight challenge around the Global Learning Council Summit 2017 from 27 to 30 of June! (Update: Registration is closed)
The Workshop “Reinventing Education in the Digital Era” is a pre-event workshop one day prior to the Global Learning Council Summit.
The aim of this workshop is to bring together a selected group of students from different parts of Germany and Europe who will work together to investigate the impact of digitisation on education. During the workshop, they will develop concrete ideas how they envision the future of learning. We aim to create concrete results for ideas and approaches that will be presented at the main Global Learning Council Summit.
The workshop will conducted by the team of N3XTCODER.
Which role will education play in the future?
International experts and key stakeholders will come together in Berlin to share ideas and perspectives themed education biographies and lifelong learning. However, not only experts have posed questions about the future of education, but also those who are mostly affected by the digital turn. We are interested in your views on questions like:
- How do you imagine the future of digital and non-digital learning?
- Can digitisation of education create equal opportunities for all?
- What is your vision for an update of the education system?
Hochschulforum invites you to…
…discuss the future of education
…share your ideas with experts
…meet with peers
What you will do
You will join us on a 4-day journey built around a main workshop where you will become part of a group of innovators and collaboratively think about the future of education, co-designing scenarios that describe what education could look like in the years to come.
Successful applicants will receive:
- Travel expenses incl. room and board
- Exclusive participation to the workshop
- Free and full access to the Global Learning Council Summit 2017
until 5.00pm Individual arrival of participants
5.00pm – 7.00pm Welcome impulse & Get-together
7.00pm – 9.00pm Networking dinner
9.30am – 4.00pm Workshop day
8.30am – 5.45pm Global Learning Council Summit
5.45pm – 8.30pm Reception & dinner
DAY 4 – FRIDAY, 30 JUNE 2017
8.00am – 1.00pm Global Learning Council Summit
1.00pm – 2.00pm Lunch
from 2.00pm Individual departure of participants
Apply now (Update: Registration closed)
Are you a young person of 18 or above? Are you a registered student with a passion for education, knowledge, digitisation, learning, social impact and other future-oriented topics? Are you creative, curious and have an open mind? Then you should be part of this 4-day experience in Berlin.
Apply until 9 June 2017 with a short essay (max. 500 words) answering the following question:
What will teaching and learning look like in 20 years?
Please note that this workshop is particularly aimed at young persons. While we do not set a hard age limit at 30, you should not be significantly above that age.