White Paper: Transforming Digital Assessment in Higher Education
White Paper: Transforming Digital Assessment in Higher Education
The free-to-download white paper “Digital Assessment in Higher Education” published by the Hochschulforum Digitalisierung presents innovations in and good practices for digital assessment.
The white paper is based on the expertise and insights of over 40 practitioners from Germany, Austria and Switzerland who are part of a HFD community working group on the topic. Collaboratively, they evaluated and contributed to the changing nature of digital assessment formats and scenarios at their institutions over these past years. Together they addressed the following questions:
How can we make the most of digital tools and solutions in our assessment practices?
How can we improve our means and skills for the design of online testing?
How can we determine which specific resources and solutions will meet our specific needs?
The white paper covers the whole gamut of scenarios and solutions for on-campus and remote examinations from pedagogy and adaptive assessment strategies to room infrastructure – and from proctoring and peer-assessment to the digitisation of materials. Not only do its various chapters explain key concepts, they also offer recommendations for teachers, students and those responsible for examination regulations and operational issues.
Overall, it is our hope that this publication will increase understanding of the criteria and key features for the success of digital assessment in Higher Education. Beyond opening access for international practitioners, it can also serve as a basis for international discussion and exchange.
The white paper “Transforming Digital Assessment in Higher Education” can be downloaded here.