Preliminary programme for Strategies Beyond Borders
Preliminary programme for Strategies Beyond Borders
The preliminary programme for the international strategy conference Strategies Beyond Borders – Transforming Higher Education in a Digital Age has just been released. The conference is jointly hosted by Hochschulforum Digitalisierung (HFD) and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). Find the programme for Strategies Beyond Borders here.
Dr. Volker Meyer-Guckel (Stifterverband) and Dr. Dorothea Rüland (DAAD) will welcome you to the conference. In addition, Dr. Michael Meister (State Secretary, German Federal Ministry of Education and Research) will give a welcome speech and present the participants of HFD’s peer-to-peer strategy consulting with their certificates.
Keynotes will be given by Prof. Dr. Ada Pellert, rector of the FernUniversität Hagen/chairwoman „Digital University NRW“, Prof. Dr. Aloys Krieg (Vice-Rector for teaching at RWTH Aachen University) and other national and international high-level representatives of higher education institutions. Presentations, workshops, live demos and poster sessions organised by community members will offer opportunities to participate, discuss and network with colleagues from various countries.
In order to discuss innovative and transferable strategic approaches on different levels and especially across and beyond borders, HFD and DAAD jointly host this international conference with a focus on strategies for teaching and learning and (international) cooperation in the digital age. The conference will offer a variety of contents and formats which aim at providing new insights and orientation to higher education institutions and other stakeholders on strategies for transforming higher education in a digital age.
The main target groups of the conference are HEI Leaders, higher education representatives involved in strategy development or in projects on digitalisation and/or internationalisation, representatives from projects in the field of the main topics of the conference as well as (inter-)national experts.
Preliminary programme for Strategies Beyond Borders – Tranforming Higher Education in a Digital Age