EMOOCs Call for Papers
EMOOCs Call for Papers
The European MOOCs Stakeholders Summit (EMOOCs) Call for Papers is now open, inviting contributions in the following areas: Experience and Research; Policy at institutional, national and European level; Business addressing the lifelong learning sector; and practical Workshops.
For more detailed information, see the Call for Papers.
Just as new technologies change daily lives, the Higher Education landscape is changing, too. With the progress of the information economy, the demand for more highly, and differently, qualified workforce increases, and institutions of Higher Education find themselves facing the challenge of reskilling and upskilling people.
Technology allows for new, data-driven ways to measure learning outcomes and new curriculum structures. In this context, MOOCs play an important role in connecting technology and different actors from academia and business. EMOOCs 2019 will explore the impact and future direction of open, online education on a social, political and institutional level.
The summit will follow the question whether university degrees are still the major currency in the job market, or if a broader portfolio of qualifications and micro-credentials may be emerging as an alternative. In this context, EMOOCs will explore the implications for educational practices, policy decisions, and for European Higher Education.
For further information, contact info@emoocs2019.eu
Paper Submissions will be handled through EasyChair.