Launch of the project: The Data Workers Inquiry

08 Jul

Launch of the project: The Data Workers Inquiry

The world of AI is powered by millions of people who are precariously employed and politically dispersed. In the Data Workers Inquiry, they tell their stories.

The Data Workers’ Inquiry is a community-based research project where data workers themselves are the researchers. Join us on July 8 to explore the inquiries, which include research reports, podcasts, documentaries, and zines.

The Data Workers’ Inquiry is a community-based action-research project in which data workers conduct research in their workplaces. The community researchers guide the direction of the inquiries, such that they are oriented towards their needs and goals of building workplace power while supported by us, a core team of formally trained qualitative researchers at the Weizenbaum Institute. Each inquiry has a specific format, ranging from reports and zines over podcasts to documentaries. So far, the project repository comprises inquiries led by 16 data workers on four continents.