Review – The work of the Hochschulforum 2014 – 2016
In 2014-2016, the Hochschulforum Digitalisierung (HFD) established itself as a central platform for discussing issues related to the digitalization of university teaching. In the political arena as well as at universities, it has made a significant contribution to bringing together isolated and regional initiatives into a national discourse of understanding about the central challenges and opportunities of digitization for higher education.
Until 2016, the fundamental challenge of the HFD was to get the topic of ‘digital teaching and learning’ onto the higher education policy agenda and into the perception of both university management and university teaching staff. The Hochschulforum has done this through the work of its six thematic groups, with numerous studies, events, and intensive outreach. It has systematically recorded the status quo and the potential of digitization at German universities and developed initial proposals for solutions.
This page provides a brief overview of the work during these years.
Official launch of the Hochschulforum
Kick-off with the experts of the HFD
Round-Table "The End of the University as we know it".
Political Evening "Humboldt Digital
First closed day of all experts
Panel discussion and white paper publication: OER in higher and further education
Publication of discussion paper "20 Theses on the Digitization of Higher Education
Theme week: The Digital Turn
Fireside Chat with Federal Minister of Education Wanka "Digitization of Universities
Country Expert:inside Talk
Second closed day of all experts
Debate "Digital Teaching in Development Cooperation"
Statement to the CDU parliamentary group in the Lower Saxony state parliament
Conference Digitization of University Teaching
Oct Launch of the online discussion series "Education Policy in the Digital Age
Publication of the final report of the Hochschulforum
Final Conference of the Hochschulforum Digitalisierung

The “old” Hochschulforum briefly explained
In 2014 to 2016, the Hochschulforum Digitalisierung was primarily a forum for discussing the further development of universities against the backdrop of digitalization. You can find our former self-description here and an overview of our former structure here.

Theme groups
At the heart of the HFD until 2016 were the six thematic groups: New Business Models, Technologies & LLL, Internationalization & Marketing Strategies, Change Management & Organizational Development, Innovations in Learning & Examination Scenarios, Curriculum Design & Quality Development, and Governance & Policies.

Working papers
From 2014 to 2016, the HFD published a total of 29 working papers – studies, recommendations, and substantive reflections. You can find all working papers on this overview page.

The final report
The work of the first three years of the Hochschulforum Digitalisierung has been summarized in a comprehensive final report. The report is intended to support universities and higher education policy in the process of transformation to universities of the digital age. It documents the results of the work of more than 70 experts in the Hochschulforum Digitalisierung. Click here for the final report.

Final report of the first funding phase
The Hochschulforum has been funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research since 2014. Here you can find the formal final report for the first funding phase of the Hochschulforum from 2014 to 2016. Click here to access the final report.