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76 Suchergebnisse

What does sustainability mean in terms of university teaching? An educational perspective.

What does sustainability mean in terms of university teaching? An educational perspective.

Hans-Christoph Koller, Angelika Paseka and Sandra Sprengler from the University of Hamburg discuss four dimensions of an educational perspective on sustainability in university teaching. A guest article. This article has already been published in: Synergy. Specialist magazine for digitization in teaching #07, (pp. 38 – 41). We would like to thank Synergie, the journal for […]

Welcome to the HFD Summer School 2019

Welcome to the HFD Summer School 2019

From 29 to 31 July 2019, a total of 31 participants* from the fields of teaching, media and didactics met at the Akademie Berlin-Schmöckwitz for the Summer School 2019 of the Hochschulforum Digitalisierung under the motto “Shaping Higher Education Teaching Together in the Digital Age”. The map of Germany shows it: Representatives* of universities from […]

Towards an Interoperable Higher Education Landscape

Towards an Interoperable Higher Education Landscape

Are you eager to access comprehensive student performance data across multiple platforms? Keen on collaborating seamlessly with fellow educators across various institutions? Do you envision a single platform to log in as a student? As an administrator, are you looking for more efficient academic recognition processes? Good news: The European Digital Education Hub is making strides with a key initiative that responds to these wishes – by developing a European higher education interoperability framework. We spoke to Channa van der Brug, who has been closely monitoring the progress of this initiative since its launch in September 2023, informed by insights from the HFD study “Making Interoperability Work”. She will unveil the progress made and its relevance to you!

The stage model of digital transformation

The stage model of digital transformation

Where does the use of a certain technology – for example a learning management system or the use of OER – stand in the higher education landscape? A stage model, developed by Martin Ebner et al., could help to describe this in the future. Anyone who has written technical proposals for European projects knows that […]

Cover image for article: THE STAGE MODEL OF DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION. Guest article by Sebastian Dennerlein, Martin Ebner, Sarah Edelsbrunner and Sandra Schön. Logo: Hochschulforum Digitalisierung.

The Slinking Process of Digitisation of Higher Education Institutions

The Slinking Process of Digitisation of Higher Education Institutions

“Without the universities themselves having noticed it, they have become data- and software-driven institutions. This means that in many areas they use complex software systems in which data is generated on a large scale without these data (apart from research) being subjected to an evaluation.” Dr Hubertus Neuhausen, Director of the University and City Library […]

Wissensmanagement - Symbolbild

The Silent Dark Wall in Zoom

The Silent Dark Wall in Zoom

Video conferences have proven to be an online solution for many formats of ad-hoc digital teaching during the Corona crisis. However, especially in lectures, but even in smaller seminars, the camera on the student side often remains switched off. Teachers speak against a silent wall and the hoped-for interactivity is opposed by inactivity. Professor Jörn […]

Fester vor heller Wand. Schrift: Die stumme, dunkle Wand in Zoom

The provision of generative AI in universities: What is possible and what is desirable?

The provision of generative AI in universities: What is possible and what is desirable?

German universities are facing the challenge of making tools based on generative artificial intelligence (AI) accessible for research, teaching and administration. The focus is currently on the accessibility of commercially available tools such as ChatGPT. However, the issue of non-commercial, open source-based solutions is also increasingly coming to the fore in the discussions. What options are there, what are the advantages and disadvantages and what role does cross-university cooperation play here?

In der oberen Bildhälfte sind zu dekorativen Zwecken Server abgebildet. Titel des Blogbeitrags: "DIE BEREITSTELLUNG GENERATIVER KI IN HOCHSCHULEN: WAS IST MÖGLICH UND WAS WÜNSCHENSWERT?" Untertitel: Ein

The new normal at the University:Future Festival

The new normal at the University:Future Festival

Digital university teaching without presence formats – a state of affairs that would not have been conceivable without a worldwide pandemic. It remains to be seen what changes will take place in the New Normal as soon as the corona virus no longer forces us to keep our distance. At the beginning of October, the […]

Illustration von Menschen in ihren Wohnungen. Das neue Normal.

The End of Commitment in the Online Semester?

The End of Commitment in the Online Semester?

“The good will of students and lecturers for activating teaching and learning through digital offerings is mostly present. The misery does not only begin with the application of digital tools and services, but already with the availability of hardware and software”. A commentary on “media literacy and the end of commitment in the online semester” […]

Technik, Software, Know-how? Alles Aufgabe der Studierenden?

The campus of tomorrow? An HFD delegation trip to the Netherlands

The campus of tomorrow? An HFD delegation trip to the Netherlands

What do innovative approaches and effective solutions for the further development of digital learning and teaching look like? And what are the success factors? Five selected HFD-funded delegation teams took up the challenge of designing a "Peer Learning Journey" to gather information abroad, network with international partners and share good practices in Germany. In November 2023, Bonn-Rhine-Sieg University of Applied Sciences (H-BRS) undertook a pioneering delegation to gain inspiration for the design of its future campus in St. Augustin.

In der oberen Bildhälfte ist ein VW-Bus auf einer Weltkugel abgebildet. Titel des Blogartikels: "CAMPUS VON MORGEN?". Untertitel: "Eine HFD-Delegationsreise der Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg (H-BRS) in die Niederlande". Logo rechts unten: Hochschulforum Digitalisierung.
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