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Ein Stapel mit Papieren, Magazinen und Zeitungen, erstellt via Midjourney.
Ein Stapel mit Papieren, Magazinen und Zeitungen, erstellt via Midjourney.
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76 Suchergebnisse

Sustainability digital – A guest article by Peter England & Stefanie Brunner

Sustainability digital – A guest article by Peter England & Stefanie Brunner

“Digitisation’ serves only as a ‘door opener’, as a Trojan horse in the best sense of the word, in order to fundamentally question old habits and old forms of learning.” A guest article by Peter England and Stefanie Brunner from eCult about digital sustainability. This article has already been published in: Synergie. Fachmagazin für Digitalisierung in […]

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Studierende als Gestaltungs­partner:innen für zukunftsfähige Hochschulen

Studierende als Gestaltungs­partner:innen für zukunftsfähige Hochschulen

Für das HFD ist die Stärkung von Studierendenbeteiligung und die Zusammenarbeit mit ­Studierenden auf Augenhöhe seit Beginn an ein Grundpfeiler seiner Arbeit. HFD-DigitalChangeMaker und Student René Rahrt sowie HFD-Program­mmanagerin Yasmin Djabarian erklären, wie Kollaborationsmodelle aussehen können. Der Beitrag ist erstmals in der dritten Ausgabe des HFD-Magazins strategie digital zum Thema “Partizipation” erschienen. Studierende gestalten Hochschulen […]

South Korea’s Digital Universities: Learning for Industry 4.0

South Korea’s Digital Universities: Learning for Industry 4.0

High Tech is the flagship of South Korea. For the Asian region, the country’s progress in online education at universities is exemplary. But the demands of the digital age require approaches that cannot be solved by technology alone. Lisa Messenzehl’s article portrays Korea’s digital higher education in the balancing act between technology and Confucianism, competition […]

Gangnam, Seoul, Südkorea

Reinventing education in the digital era – four scenarios

Reinventing education in the digital era – four scenarios

From 27 to 30 June 2017, a group of 21 students from 11 countries participated in our workshop event "Reinventing education in the digital era". They developed scenarios for how education might look like in 2037 and presented them at the Global Learning Council Summit 2017. With this article, we document the scenarios that the students developed.

Raising Cyber Security in Higher Education through Coordinated Efforts: Good Practices from France

Raising Cyber Security in Higher Education through Coordinated Efforts: Good Practices from France

The digital transformation of higher education has revolutionised how universities operate and engage with their stakeholders. However, it also brings about new challenges, for instance in the realm of cybersecurity. The increase of the number of cyber attacks on universities – as Hans Pongratz, expert at the Zentrum für HochschulBildung (zhb) of TU Dortmund, pointed out […]

Cover image of blog entry "RAISING CYBER SECURITY IN HIGHER EDUCATION." Subtitle: "A blog post by Channa van der Brug and Pierre Boulet. Good Practices from France. Image at right shows a lock on a keyboard. Logo on bottom right: Hochschulforum Digitalisierung.

Promoting innovative teaching: A practical report

Promoting innovative teaching: A practical report

How can innovative teaching succeed? Prof. Dr. Ralph Sonntag has initiated a fund for innovative teaching projects at the HTW Dresden. He reports on his experiences in our blog. This article was automatically translated using DeepL Translator. Please excuse any errors. Hands support a buildingTeaching at universities is constantly changing. It is not just a matter […]

handful of money

Podcasts in higher education teaching

Podcasts in higher education teaching

What contribution can podcasts make to university studies? How can podcasts be used specifically in university teaching? What good podcasts about digital higher education already exist? In keeping with the publication of the third episode of the podcast by Campus Reloaded, the winners of our podcast competition "Podcasting the Digital Turn", Markus Deimann is addressing these questions and taking us into the promising world between loudspeakers and microphone.

Knowledge in the vest pocket. Listening Podcast

Open for all: Learning Management Systems and OER in university teaching

Open for all: Learning Management Systems and OER in university teaching

Every university uses them, (almost) every teacher and student is regularly registered here: Learning Management Systems (LMS). As part of the “University Network for Innovation in a Digital Age” initiative (Uni-D) we held a workshop on Open Source LMS and Open Educational Resources (OER) in July. In this article some of the participants report about […]

Neurodiversity in digital university teaching

Neurodiversity in digital university teaching

University teaching that promotes or perhaps even celebrates diverse styles of thinking and learning not only creates an inclusive environment, but also offers added value for all teachers and students. In this article, we explore why neurodiversity is crucial in the digital world of higher education and how to practically address the different needs of neurodivergent people in higher education. Individual self-efficacy and a sense of community can be promoted through freedom of choice in dealing with technology and mutual empathy.

In der oberen Bildhälfte ist eine Grafik zu dekorativen Zwecken abgebildet. Titel des Blogartikels: "Neurodivrrsität in der digitalen Hochschullehre". Untertitel: "Ein Gastbeitrag von Dr. Judith Rommel". Logo rechts unten: Hochschulforum Digitalisierung.

My Learning Journey Part 2 – Educational Experts 2019 in Berlin

My Learning Journey Part 2 – Educational Experts 2019 in Berlin

For the second part of our learning journey, we (17 German and eight American leaders in higher education) met in Berlin from 8–13 December 2019 for another five days of talks, visits and discussions. Read part one of the learning story from the educational experts seminar taking place in the U.S. earlier this year here. […]

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