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Ein Stapel mit Papieren, Magazinen und Zeitungen, erstellt via Midjourney.
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77 Suchergebnisse

Ada Pellert: “There has been a transformation from teaching to learning”

Ada Pellert: “There has been a transformation from teaching to learning”

FernUniversität Hagen has 40 years of experience in distance education. While the demand for distance education is increasing, the expectations of students are changing as well. Daniel Otto spoke to Professor Ada Pellert, president of the FernUniversität Hagen, about the revolution in distance learning, the shift form teaching to learning and the role of technology […]

New perspectives: Campuses are changing. Bild: [ Inbal Marilli]

AI shouldn’t be left in the hands of programmers – Mattermost Live Interview with Ville Valtonen

AI shouldn’t be left in the hands of programmers – Mattermost Live Interview with Ville Valtonen

During the EMOOCs 2019 in Naples Oliver Janoschka (Hochschulforum Digitalisierung) will chair the session “Policy Track – National Digital Initiatives”. Ville Valtonen, Chief Marketing Executive of Reaktor, is one of the speakers. Reaktor developed the Elements of AI course in collaboration with University of Helsinki. Elements of AI is a MOOC designed to teach the basics […]


AI transforming higher education? How a chatbot might bring the change we’ve all been waiting for

AI transforming higher education? How a chatbot might bring the change we’ve all been waiting for

How will artificial intelligence affect our academic culture? Recent debates about GPT-3 raised concerns about AI possibly outpacing well-known forms of publication and assessment. In our Blog, Manuel Dolderer, Co-Founder and President at CODE University of Applied Sciences, pleads for new learning environments that embrace and shape technological progress. As universities, it is our job […]

Titelbild zum Blogbeitrag auf Englisch: AI transforming higher education? How a chatbot might bring the change we’ve all been waiting for. Logo: Hochschulforum Digitalisierung

An Appeal for the Labour Market Science – A Guest Article by Michael Jäckel

An Appeal for the Labour Market Science – A Guest Article by Michael Jäckel

Prof. Dr. Michael Jäckel explains his comments on the recommendation paper of the Council for Information Infrastructures (RfII) “Digital competences – urgently needed! Recommendations on career and training prospects for the science labour market“. A guest article. This article was automatically translated using DeepL Translator. Please excuse any errors. “Every new Silicon Valley output […] is an […]

Digital world. And the labour market?

Between Margin Notes and Exam Clinic: video-assessment of legal exams

Between Margin Notes and Exam Clinic: video-assessment of legal exams

In the guest article, Sven Störmann, Project Manager E-Learning at the Centre for Legal Learning (ZJL), and Jonathan Schramm, personal consultant to the management (both Bucerius Law School, Hamburg), explain the advantages of individual feedback through video-assessment as an alternative to conventional exam correction using the example of exam preparation in law studies. This article […]

Blended Learning – a Comparison of the approaches at HdM Stuttgart and NTU Singapore

Blended Learning – a Comparison of the approaches at HdM Stuttgart and NTU Singapore

The status quo of blended learning and its future. In this interview, two experts from Hochschule der Medien in Stuttgart and Nanyang Technological University in Singapore give insights into their teaching apporaches. 

Statue of an arm holding a tree.

Bologna Digital 2020 – Harnessing the potential of digitalisation in the European Higher Education Area

Bologna Digital 2020 – Harnessing the potential of digitalisation in the European Higher Education Area

On December 14th 2018, Hochschulforum Digitalisierung hosted an international expert workshop on ‘Bologna Digital 2020’ in Berlin. In the next phase the participants will continue to work together to formulate a white paper for a Bologna Process, which fully harnesses the potential of digitalisation to improving teaching and learning in the EHEA.

Group in front of Brandenburger Tor

Building a Vision for the Future of Digital Education – Interview with Siân Bayne

Building a Vision for the Future of Digital Education – Interview with Siân Bayne

An interview with Prof. Siân Bayne on building a vision for the future of digital education.

a colorful robot

Can AI revolutionise higher education? An interview with Claudia de Witt

Can AI revolutionise higher education? An interview with Claudia de Witt

Artificial intelligence in higher education raises great expectations for improved quality of teaching and learning. As a professor of educational theory and media pedagogy at the FernUniversität in Hagen, Claudia de Witt researches methods and applications of AI in studying, teaching and further education. In an interview with Prof. de Witt, Lavinia Ionica, program manager […]

Bild: "Data has a better Idea"

ChatGPT and Co. in university teaching – perspectives from students and teachers

ChatGPT and Co. in university teaching – perspectives from students and teachers

The release of ChatGPT in November 2022 has led to the wider use of artificial intelligence (AI) reaching into the mainstream. AI tools have long since found their way into colleges and universities. But how do students and teachers actually view this change? What are the opportunities and challenges of using AI tools in university teaching? Lukas Erle, Thomas Hoss and Prof. Dr. Sabrina Eimler (Department of Human Factors & Gender Studies at the Institute of Computer Science at the Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences in Bottrop) put these and other questions to students and teachers at various German colleges and universities.

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