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Ein Stapel mit Papieren, Magazinen und Zeitungen, erstellt via Midjourney.
Ein Stapel mit Papieren, Magazinen und Zeitungen, erstellt via Midjourney.
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74 Suchergebnisse

Accessibility in Digital Teaching: The US as a Model for German Universities?

Accessibility in Digital Teaching: The US as a Model for German Universities?

Barrier-free access to higher education is anchored in German law. This is not just about physical barriers. Since the beginning of the Corona pandemic, at the latest, it has become clear that the removal of digital barriers is also an elementary component of inclusive university teaching. However, many universities are still in the early stages […]

Image: [ Michel Arriens]

Digital Campus Culture: Karlstad University’s Method “Follow A Distance Student”

Digital Campus Culture: Karlstad University’s Method “Follow A Distance Student”

As we look back on one year of remote learning in higher education due to Covid-19, it is time for a recap. What modes of teaching work and how are the students doing? This month, we focus on Digital Campus Culture, asking the question: What have we learned so far and what can we learn […]

Picture 3: Keep up with Kau, an interactive tool to help students better grasp what distance studies entail and what kind of support is offered by the University

Exams in the Pandemic: Online Proctoring Is No Solution

Exams in the Pandemic: Online Proctoring Is No Solution

Students at German universities are in the middle of the third examination phase during the pandemic – and many universities are still ill-prepared for it. In the following, Leonie Ackermann explains why online proctoring is (still) not a good idea and at the same time gives an insight into the technical functioning of common service […]

One does not know what to do.

Can AI revolutionise higher education? An interview with Claudia de Witt

Can AI revolutionise higher education? An interview with Claudia de Witt

Artificial intelligence in higher education raises great expectations for improved quality of teaching and learning. As a professor of educational theory and media pedagogy at the FernUniversität in Hagen, Claudia de Witt researches methods and applications of AI in studying, teaching and further education. In an interview with Prof. de Witt, Lavinia Ionica, program manager […]

Bild: "Data has a better Idea"

Education-Tools – Special rates for educational offers due to Corona-Pandemic

Education-Tools – Special rates for educational offers due to Corona-Pandemic

Due to COVID-19, it will not be possible to start operations at the universities in the usual form for the winter semester either. Up to now, the switch to digital teaching has sometimes worked better and sometimes worse. One thing is certain, however: it happened at a speed that would not have been possible under […]

Anbieter verschiedener Online-Services bieten aufgrund der Coronakriese vorläufige Gratisoptionen an.

How to realise events and teaching online. A tools collection

How to realise events and teaching online. A tools collection

In this post, we present results from our community survey: A Digital Toolkit for Online Events. Do you have experiences to share as well? Take the survey now. We are continuously adding to this article. Do you see something different? Have you spotted an error? Is there anything you would like to add? Feel free to […]

The new normal at the University:Future Festival

The new normal at the University:Future Festival

Digital university teaching without presence formats – a state of affairs that would not have been conceivable without a worldwide pandemic. It remains to be seen what changes will take place in the New Normal as soon as the corona virus no longer forces us to keep our distance. At the beginning of October, the […]

Illustration von Menschen in ihren Wohnungen. Das neue Normal.

The End of Commitment in the Online Semester?

The End of Commitment in the Online Semester?

“The good will of students and lecturers for activating teaching and learning through digital offerings is mostly present. The misery does not only begin with the application of digital tools and services, but already with the availability of hardware and software”. A commentary on “media literacy and the end of commitment in the online semester” […]

Technik, Software, Know-how? Alles Aufgabe der Studierenden?

A European Vision for High-Quality Digital Education: Interview With Dr. Georgi Dimitrov About the Digital Education Action Plan

A European Vision for High-Quality Digital Education: Interview With Dr. Georgi Dimitrov About the Digital Education Action Plan

The updated Digital Education Action Plan (2021-2027) of the European Commission was published in September 2020. The publication was preceded for the first time by a public consultation due to the effects of the Corona crisis on almost all stakeholders in the field of (digital) education. In the following interview with HFD, Dr. Georgi Dimitrov, Deputy […]


Gender & Diversity Reflexivity in Digital Teaching. Thoughts on Ad-Hoc Digitization during the Corona Pandemic

Gender & Diversity Reflexivity in Digital Teaching. Thoughts on Ad-Hoc Digitization during the Corona Pandemic

How can diverse skills, resources, prior knowledge, experiences and needs be taken into account in digital teaching? The design of gender- & diversity-reflecting teaching is a cross-sectional task not only in the corona-conditioned exceptional mode. Together with the Network for Gender and Diversity in Teaching we are realizing a blog series in the new thematic dossier […]

Gestikulierende Hände vor einem Laptop.
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