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Ein Stapel mit Papieren, Magazinen und Zeitungen, erstellt via Midjourney.
Ein Stapel mit Papieren, Magazinen und Zeitungen, erstellt via Midjourney.
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77 Suchergebnisse

What is Interoperability about? An interview with Evelien Renders, advisor for international education at SURF

What is Interoperability about? An interview with Evelien Renders, advisor for international education at SURF

In November 2022, Hochschulforum Digitalisierung co-organised and led a range of activities, bringing interoperability challenges and solutions for Higher Education Institutions into focus at a German and international stage. What is interoperability in higher education about – and why is it such a relevant issue? Oliver Janoschka, managing director of HFD, interviewed Evelien Renders, advisor […]

AI transforming higher education? How a chatbot might bring the change we’ve all been waiting for

AI transforming higher education? How a chatbot might bring the change we’ve all been waiting for

How will artificial intelligence affect our academic culture? Recent debates about GPT-3 raised concerns about AI possibly outpacing well-known forms of publication and assessment. In our Blog, Manuel Dolderer, Co-Founder and President at CODE University of Applied Sciences, pleads for new learning environments that embrace and shape technological progress. As universities, it is our job […]

Titelbild zum Blogbeitrag auf Englisch: AI transforming higher education? How a chatbot might bring the change we’ve all been waiting for. Logo: Hochschulforum Digitalisierung

Embracing the Future at U:FF

Embracing the Future at U:FF

An exciting line-up of thought-provoking panels and talks showcased at the University:Future Festival 2023 will explore the innovative approaches that are shaping the future of higher education today. In the following, HFD’s own Channa van der Brug walks you through some of the most anticipated English language sessions of the festival. With a diverse range of […]

Sharepic for international sessions at U:FF 2023, Text: University:Future Festival 2023 I 26.04. - 28.04.2023,BLOG POST,EMBRACING THE FUTURE: A sneak-peak into some of the  most anticipated English language sessions!, By Channa van der Brug; the logos of the HFD and StiL are pictured in the lower right-hand corner, the U:FF logo is displayed in the upper left corner

Studierende als Gestaltungs­partner:innen für zukunftsfähige Hochschulen

Studierende als Gestaltungs­partner:innen für zukunftsfähige Hochschulen

Für das HFD ist die Stärkung von Studierendenbeteiligung und die Zusammenarbeit mit ­Studierenden auf Augenhöhe seit Beginn an ein Grundpfeiler seiner Arbeit. HFD-DigitalChangeMaker und Student René Rahrt sowie HFD-Program­mmanagerin Yasmin Djabarian erklären, wie Kollaborationsmodelle aussehen können. Der Beitrag ist erstmals in der dritten Ausgabe des HFD-Magazins strategie digital zum Thema “Partizipation” erschienen. Studierende gestalten Hochschulen […]

Raising Cyber Security in Higher Education through Coordinated Efforts: Good Practices from France

Raising Cyber Security in Higher Education through Coordinated Efforts: Good Practices from France

The digital transformation of higher education has revolutionised how universities operate and engage with their stakeholders. However, it also brings about new challenges, for instance in the realm of cybersecurity. The increase of the number of cyber attacks on universities – as Hans Pongratz, expert at the Zentrum für HochschulBildung (zhb) of TU Dortmund, pointed out […]

Cover image of blog entry "RAISING CYBER SECURITY IN HIGHER EDUCATION." Subtitle: "A blog post by Channa van der Brug and Pierre Boulet. Good Practices from France. Image at right shows a lock on a keyboard. Logo on bottom right: Hochschulforum Digitalisierung.

Working together to increase cybersecurity at universities: Good Practices from France

Working together to increase cybersecurity at universities: Good Practices from France

The digital transformation of higher education has revolutionized the way universities operate and engage with their stakeholders. However, it brings new challenges, for example in the area of cybersecurity. The increasing number of Cyberattacks on universities – as does Hans Pongratz, an expert at the Center for Higher Education (zhb) at TU Dortmund University, at […]

Yes, we can. – Seven thoughts and impulses from the garden EDEN

Yes, we can. – Seven thoughts and impulses from the garden EDEN

At the last annual conference of EDEN, the European Network for Digital Education, the motto was “Yes, we can” – Digital Education for a Better Future. Johannes Schleiss was in Dublin for us and draws seven important lessons from the presentations. “Yes, we can” was this year’s motto of the annual conference of EDEN, the […]

Cover of the blog post: "YES, WE CAN. - 7 thoughts and impulses from the garden of EDEN". Subtitle: "A blog post by Johannes Schleiss". Photo on the left shows a galaxy in space. Logo on the bottom right: Hochschulforum Digitalisierung.

The campus of tomorrow? An HFD delegation trip to the Netherlands

The campus of tomorrow? An HFD delegation trip to the Netherlands

What do innovative approaches and effective solutions for the further development of digital learning and teaching look like? And what are the success factors? Five selected HFD-funded delegation teams took up the challenge of designing a "Peer Learning Journey" to gather information abroad, network with international partners and share good practices in Germany. In November 2023, Bonn-Rhine-Sieg University of Applied Sciences (H-BRS) undertook a pioneering delegation to gain inspiration for the design of its future campus in St. Augustin.

In der oberen Bildhälfte ist ein VW-Bus auf einer Weltkugel abgebildet. Titel des Blogartikels: "CAMPUS VON MORGEN?". Untertitel: "Eine HFD-Delegationsreise der Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg (H-BRS) in die Niederlande". Logo rechts unten: Hochschulforum Digitalisierung.

Neurodiversity in digital university teaching

Neurodiversity in digital university teaching

University teaching that promotes or perhaps even celebrates diverse styles of thinking and learning not only creates an inclusive environment, but also offers added value for all teachers and students. In this article, we explore why neurodiversity is crucial in the digital world of higher education and how to practically address the different needs of neurodivergent people in higher education. Individual self-efficacy and a sense of community can be promoted through freedom of choice in dealing with technology and mutual empathy.

In der oberen Bildhälfte ist eine Grafik zu dekorativen Zwecken abgebildet. Titel des Blogartikels: "Neurodivrrsität in der digitalen Hochschullehre". Untertitel: "Ein Gastbeitrag von Dr. Judith Rommel". Logo rechts unten: Hochschulforum Digitalisierung.

Towards an Interoperable Higher Education Landscape

Towards an Interoperable Higher Education Landscape

Are you eager to access comprehensive student performance data across multiple platforms? Keen on collaborating seamlessly with fellow educators across various institutions? Do you envision a single platform to log in as a student? As an administrator, are you looking for more efficient academic recognition processes? Good news: The European Digital Education Hub is making strides with a key initiative that responds to these wishes – by developing a European higher education interoperability framework. We spoke to Channa van der Brug, who has been closely monitoring the progress of this initiative since its launch in September 2023, informed by insights from the HFD study “Making Interoperability Work”. She will unveil the progress made and its relevance to you!

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