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Ein Stapel mit Papieren, Magazinen und Zeitungen, erstellt via Midjourney.
Ein Stapel mit Papieren, Magazinen und Zeitungen, erstellt via Midjourney.
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76 Suchergebnisse

What does sustainability mean in terms of university teaching? An educational perspective.

What does sustainability mean in terms of university teaching? An educational perspective.

Hans-Christoph Koller, Angelika Paseka and Sandra Sprengler from the University of Hamburg discuss four dimensions of an educational perspective on sustainability in university teaching. A guest article. This article has already been published in: Synergy. Specialist magazine for digitization in teaching #07, (pp. 38 – 41). We would like to thank Synergie, the journal for […]

Exchange of practical experience with digital teaching as a prerequisite for sustainability. The Digital Learning Map.

Exchange of practical experience with digital teaching as a prerequisite for sustainability. The Digital Learning Map.

“The aim is to promote the exchange of practical knowledge across university boundaries.” This is a success factor for sustainability. Johannes Moskaliuk, Bianca Diller and Elke Kümmel from the Leibniz Institute for Knowledge Media in Thübingen in the guest article. This article has already been published in: Synergy. Specialist magazine for digitization in teaching #07, […]

Between Margin Notes and Exam Clinic: video-assessment of legal exams

Between Margin Notes and Exam Clinic: video-assessment of legal exams

In the guest article, Sven Störmann, Project Manager E-Learning at the Centre for Legal Learning (ZJL), and Jonathan Schramm, personal consultant to the management (both Bucerius Law School, Hamburg), explain the advantages of individual feedback through video-assessment as an alternative to conventional exam correction using the example of exam preparation in law studies. This article […]

Interview: The Conference “Strategies Beyond Borders – Transforming Higher Education in a Digital Age”

Interview: The Conference “Strategies Beyond Borders – Transforming Higher Education in a Digital Age”

On 09 September 2019 the registration for the international strategy conference Strategies Beyond Borders opens. The event is organized jointly by the Hochschulforum Digitalisierung and the German Academic Exchange Service and will take place in Berlin on 9 and 10 December. What is to be expected at the conference? Alexander Knoth of the DAAD and […]

At the strategy conference "Strategies Beyond Borders", there will be room to participate.

Digitisation in higher education is also a matter of policy prioritisation. An article by Justus Henke

Digitisation in higher education is also a matter of policy prioritisation. An article by Justus Henke

“The disruptive effect of private online platforms is underestimated”. Based on his “Paper Disruption or Evolution? Systemic framework conditions of digitisation in higher education“,  Justus Henke, research associate at the Halle-Wittenberg Institute for Higher Education Research (HoF), explains, to what extent political prioritisation influences digitisation in higher education. This article was automatically translated using DeepL Translator. Please […]

"Disruption or evolution? Systemic framework conditions of digitisation in higher education".

Open for all: Learning Management Systems and OER in university teaching

Open for all: Learning Management Systems and OER in university teaching

Every university uses them, (almost) every teacher and student is regularly registered here: Learning Management Systems (LMS). As part of the “University Network for Innovation in a Digital Age” initiative (Uni-D) we held a workshop on Open Source LMS and Open Educational Resources (OER) in July. In this article some of the participants report about […]

Welcome to the HFD Summer School 2019

Welcome to the HFD Summer School 2019

From 29 to 31 July 2019, a total of 31 participants* from the fields of teaching, media and didactics met at the Akademie Berlin-Schmöckwitz for the Summer School 2019 of the Hochschulforum Digitalisierung under the motto “Shaping Higher Education Teaching Together in the Digital Age”. The map of Germany shows it: Representatives* of universities from […]

Digital higher education at European level. An interview with Dr. Valerie Lemarquand

Digital higher education at European level. An interview with Dr. Valerie Lemarquand

“We are behind America and China relating to artificial intelligence, so Europe has to do something to exist.” In this interview, Dr. Valerie Lemarquand, University Attaché at the Embassy of France in Germany, talks about digitisation in higher education on a European level. What status does higher education have for the European community? Higher education is […]

An interview with Dr. Valerie Lemarquand on digital higher Education at European Level.

How does online teaching work in fragile contexts? A guest article by Dr. Katja Jung

How does online teaching work in fragile contexts? A guest article by Dr. Katja Jung

Blended learning models are able to facilitate access to international educational opportunities for students in fragile contexts. A new handbook provides guidelines and ideas for donors, university leaders and practitioners on how to do this. This article was automatically translated using DeepL Translator. Please excuse any errors. One of the most bitter consequences of violent political conflicts […]

The course takes up the special atmosphere of the intellectual encounter of the past and transfers it to the present by primarily addressing Israeli and Palestinian students.

What motivates university teachers to digitise their teaching? New HFD Working Group wants to provide answers!

What motivates university teachers to digitise their teaching? New HFD Working Group wants to provide answers!

The new HFD Community Working Group (CWG) is investigating what motivates university teachers to digitise their teaching. The HFD Community Working Group (CWG) “Motivational factors for lecturers to implement digitally supported teaching” is a group of participants* of the HFD Summer School 2019 within a “barcamp session”. The digital transformation of all areas of life […]

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