Jan Schuhr (er/ihm), Soziologe M.A. am Zentrum für Forschung, Weiterbildung und Beratung an der ehs Dresden. Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im Projekt ENHANCE (Mental Health im Kontext von Digitalisierungsprozessen an Hochschulen) und Lehrbeauftrager (obA) an der Evangelischen Hochschule Dresden. Zu den aktuellen Untersuchungsinteressen gehören Fragen der Gesundheits-, Organisations- und Digitalisierungssoziologie sowie Empirische Forschungsstrategien bei der Betrachtung sozialer Ungleichheiten.


How can universities support students in complex crises?

The HFD blog series "Toolbox on Student Wellbeing in the Digital Age" deals with the relationship between student mental health and digitalization processes at universities. Tanja Brock and Jan Schuhr provide helpful ideas for promoting health in everyday university life in the form of a toolbox. In the fourth and final part of this blog series, complex crises among students are addressed and possibilities and limits are shown as to how lecturers can deal with these situations appropriately.


Preparing psychosocial inclusivity in courses

A conducive teaching and learning environment is crucial for success in higher education. This includes addressing psychological and socio-cultural needs in (digital) courses. Digital platforms such as Moodle or Stud.IP often make individual concerns invisible. The dialog template in the appendix of this article helps to promote an open exchange and define common rules of interaction.


Making mental health visible

In this blog post, we explore the key challenges surrounding mental stress in higher education and discuss how universities can address these with visibility strategies. A step-by-step guide in the appendix of the article is intended to serve as a suggestion on what to consider when planning and implementing a visibility campaign in the university context and how to involve students in its design.


A toolbox on “Student wellbeing in digital studies”

How are the mental health of students and digitalization processes at universities connected? What about the support structures for students at universities? And how can online teaching or digitally supported teaching be designed to promote health? Tanja Brock and Jan Schuhr addressed these and similar questions in the enhance research and development project. They present important results in the form of a toolbox in four blog posts.