The Hochschulforum Digitalisierung

Welcome to the Hochschulforum Digitalisierung!

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Welcome to the Hochschulforum Digitalisierung!


    What is the HFD?

    As a nationwide think-&-do tank, the Hochschulforum Digitalisierung (HFD) brings together a broad community around digitalization in teaching and learning, makes developments visible, and tests innovative approaches to solutions. To this end, stakeholders from universities, politics, business and society are networked, accompanied and advised.
    Founded in 2014, the Hochschulforum Digitalisierung is a joint initiative of the Stifterverband, the CHE Centre for Higher Education and the German Rectors’ Conference (HRK). It is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).


    What is the HFD for?

    Digitization is fundamentally changing higher education. We do not see it as an unstoppable force of nature, but as a transformation process that we must shape together. In order to unleash the useful potential of digitization, all stakeholders are needed: players from universities, politics, business and society. We offer a framework for this, create incentives, set topics and provide information to make this process successful.

    What does the HFD do?

    The Hochschulforum Digitalisierung offers a range of different services and formats for different stakeholder groups, which can be assigned to the following four areas in accordance with our mission statement

    On the one hand, we offer formats for exchange, consultation and networking in the form of conferences. On the other hand, the actors of the network for university teaching exchange ideas at the annual summer schools. Of course, networking also takes place online: On the Mattermost platform, the latest developments in university teaching in the digital age are continuously discussed, (teaching) experiences are exchanged, and current topic-specific publications and events are publicized. HFD Hangouts regularly provide opportunities for topic-specific informal exchanges. Another format is peer-to-peer strategy consulting, in which six universities each year are supported in their digitization efforts by external experts. In addition, HFDlead is a mentoring program at the university leadership level, through which intensive support is provided to university leaders at the strategic level.

    We want to create incentives to become designers of the digital transformation ourselves. The HFDcert, for example, rewards innovative approaches to digital teaching and makes them visible.

    In order to focus on specific topical issues, we set up working groups of renowned experts each year to work on these issues for an initial period of one year and make the results available to the public in the form of studies, impulse papers and other publications. Most recently, for example, the ad hoc working group on learning architectures developed recommendations for action with a high level of practical relevance for learning space development in the digital transformation. As part of the ad hoc working group on higher education for the digital age, we are currently also supporting the development of discourse on the concept of education in the European context. Through our work, we are in exchange with many stakeholders. If we notice that an important topic seems to get short shrift in the discussion, we give these topics space: With the Future-AG #DigitaleChangemaker, we encourage students to add their voice to the discourse on higher education in the digital age.

    In our publications, we publish detailed studies and positions on current issues. Several short texts on relevant topics appear weekly in our blog. The Digital Learning Map makes good practice examples of digital teaching geographically visible. Those who like to get their ears wet will also get their money's worth with our podcast series.

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    What are the topics of the HFD?

    The Hochschulforum’s portfolio is large and constantly evolving. Some important topics are visualized in the word cloud. For each of these topics, you will find all relevant articles and publications in the respective dossier.

    Who is the HFD?

    On the one hand, the HFD consists of the team. The Hochschulforum is accompanied by the Stakeholder Dialog, in which representatives of institutions that are particularly relevant to our work sit. On the other hand, the HFD depends on each and every member of the community, who critically promotes and shapes digitization in teaching and learning at his or her institution on a daily basis.


    Where is the HFD?

    The HFD is everywhere. Our office and the team of the Stifterverband are located in Berlin, the team of the CHE in Gütersloh, and the team of the HRK in Bonn. Our own events take place throughout Germany, but mostly in Berlin. We ourselves can be seen at events all over Germany and Europe. The HFD does not only consist of the project staff, but above all of our community members who are involved with us and are present in many places.
    As the Hochschulforum Digitalisierung, we naturally work digitally. Ongoing exchange takes place online on the Mattermost communication platform, and interested parties regularly come together for HFD hangouts

    How can I get involved?

    All of HFD’s programs are designed to be participatory. On our website you will find offers on numerous topics related to the digitization of higher education – for all target groups involved!

    How do I stay up to date?

    1. Abonnieren Sie unseren Newsletter.
    2. Folgen Sie uns auf Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn & Youtube.
    3. Melden Sie sich im HFDnetzwerk an.