Project 3: Hybrid Learning Spaces Digitization Project
Participants: Katrin Schillinger, Prof. Christine Gläser (Hamburg University of Applied Sciences)

Practical implementation in experimental rooms
From April 2021 to December 2023, the Hybrid Learning Spaces digitization project at HAW Hamburg will pursue flexible prototypical development of the concepts and implementation in selected experimental spaces. In order to open the experiences and results of the project also sustainably for future learning space initiatives, a documentation in the form of a “learning space toolkit” will be initiated.
Three learning space dynamics in focus
This project focuses on the following three learning space dynamics:

In the winter semester 2021/22, the concept of an experimental room was developed for the Faculty of Economics & Social Sciences. As an open, flexible space, this enables and supports students’ independent learning in the context of teaching and media use.
Learning space development by and for students
In this approach, students are specifically involved and, in addition, students’ wishes and needs are systematically researched and the results of this research are incorporated into the design processes. The project is characterized by interdisciplinary and participatory planning processes. In the future, the prototypical concept elements should also be able to be used across the faculty and organization.
Interfaculty promotion
Another special feature is the cross-faculty funding: The three faculties of Design, Media and Information (DMI), Technology and Informatics (TI) and Economics and Social Sciences (W&S) jointly support the project – a clear signal to continue to anchor (hybrid) learning space development in an integrated and interdisciplinary way at HAW Hamburg.

Katrin Schillinger
Katrin Schillinger ist Projektmanagerin im fakultätsübergreifenden Digitalisierungsprojekt Hybride Lernräume - zuvor war sie Referentin für Lernraumentwicklung an der HAW Hamburg. Parallel ist sie Dozentin für agiles Projektmanagement und Beraterin für Unternehmen in Transformationsprozessen. Im Spielraum zwischen Wirtschaft und Lehre sind Agilität und kollaboratives Arbeiten und Lernen im digitalen Umfeld ihre Schwerpunktthemen.

Prof. Christine Gläser
Prof. Christine Gläser studierte Bibliothekswissenschaften in Hamburg (FH) und Berlin (HU) ist seit 2008 Professorin für Informationsdienstleistungen, elektronisches Publizieren, Metadaten und Datenstrukturierung an der Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften (HAW) Hamburg. Aktuelle Lehr- und Forschungsschwerpunkte: Lernraum Hochschule, Teaching/Learning Library, Bibliotheksethnografie, Forschungsdatenmanagement, Data Literacy. Lernraumentwicklungen beschäftigen sie seit Anfang der 2000er Jahre. Sie bearbeitet die Thematik im Rahmen ihrer Professur in Forschung und Lehre der HAW.