Infopoint University Teaching 2021: Digital Exams

Digital testing presents a unique challenge in the current higher education environment. Therefore, the event series Infopoint Hochschullehre is dedicated to different questions in the context of examination scenarios for digital higher education.
How can you think about exams in a contemporary way? What innovative digital opportunities are there? Which digital examination forms and scenarios are suitable for which learning objectives? How legally secure are which forms?
If you are asking yourself any of these questions, the “Infopoint University Teaching. Digital Exams” is the right address. Together, the Hochschulforum Digitalisierung and the Innovation in University Teaching Foundation are focusing on the topic of digital exams.
The Community Working Group (CWG) white paper “Examination Scenarios for Digital Higher Education” provides the content basis for the events. It will be made publicly available as a draft for public consultation in August 2021 and final publication in September 2021. This collects key perspectives from the CWG, which was launched by the HFD.
Based on these ideas, there should be room for thinking along: on the basis of the results of the white paper, we want to examine existing solutions with you and you in a practice-oriented way against the background of your requirements and needs and develop new/innovative solutions. Finally, you will meet people who are interested and working on the same issues as you: a good prerequisite for subsequent exchanges.
Also, we would like to inform you that the kick-off event on 03/09/2021 from 10:30-12:00 will be open to all interested parties and we invite you to attend. Please click here to participate (identification code: 037362).
Get informed, join the discussion! We invite you to join us at one of the seven thematically different info points!
Overview of the workshops and related materials
Materials and videos will be deposited here as a follow-up to the respective workshops.
03.09.2021 | 10:30 – 12 Uhr | Kick-Off | Digital Audits: Systematics, levels of action, practical examples | Prof. Dr. Svenja Bedenlier & Stefanie Gerl & Bastian Küppers
The kick-off event will provide a basic introduction to the topic of digital audits at universities and the subsequent workshops with short inputs and practical examples.
09.09.2021 | 13 – 17 h | Authentic, competence-oriented and resource-mediated testing on the computer | Dr. Tobias Halbherr & Prof. Dr. Miriam Barnat
For computer-based examinations, the integration of digital resources such as subject-specific software or online databases enables the design of authentic subject-related tasks (e.g. statistical analysis of empirical data). In this workshop, we will discuss didactic principles, present easy-to-implement design suggestions for resource-mediated testing, and work together to develop further implementation options.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
24.09.2021 | 10 am – 2 pm | Digital Testing – Concepts, Technology, Practice. | PD Dr. Malte Persike
The interactive and collaborative workshop begins with an introduction to the central concepts of digital testing, then uses practical examples to develop testing scenarios such as digital face-to-face, take-home and remote testing, and develops concepts for the active testing activities of the participants.
15.10.2021 | 13 – 17 h | E-portfolios as alternative examination formats | Prof. Dr. Reinhard Bauer & Dr. Andrea Ghoneim
E-portfolios are not only examination instruments, but rather accompanying tools for a course or a study module. In this workshop, you will gain insights into creation and assessment processes around e-portfolios and have the opportunity to experience e-portfolio assessment for yourself.
28.10.2021 | 14 – 17 Uhr | Examination culture in change? | Prof. Dr. Gabi Reinmann
Exams are a neuralgic point in university teaching: you can’t do without them and yet they are unloved. There is criticism and a variety of pioneering work, and yet the audit culture at universities is proving to be less than dynamic. Are the pandemic and digitization finally opening up a change in audit culture? Where could or should our auditing practices be headed?
The video recording of this session can be found here.
24.11.2021 | 1 – 5 p.m. | Examination Software and Technology | Dr. Matthias Baume & Nina Muris-Wendt
The workshop takes as its starting point the diversity of digital exam formats and their characteristics and frameworks. In the following, several basic forms of digital audits will be singled out in more detail in order to take a closer look at their technology and processes.
29.11.2021 | 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. | Legal and technical aspects of digital audits | Dr. Peter Dieterich, Alain Michel Keller & Alexander Schulz
Based on the legal principles relevant for audits, the workshop approaches implementation possibilities for digital distance audits. To structure the workshop, in addition to the legal principles, the fields of action organization, technology and didactics are taken as a basis, with the help of which the legal framework for digital distance testing can be implemented.
Who are the events aimed at?
The Infopoints are primarily aimed at interested teachers and university teaching staff. In addition, university employees* from the administration, the extended university management and the Third Space as well as university and media characters* are welcome. Three seats per session are reserved for student participants. A total of forty seats are available for each date, on a first come, first served basis.
How does the registration work? (closed)
Registration ran until 08/22/2021 and is now closed.
The kick-off event is open to all and does not require registration. Here you will find the event link in due time. Each person can register for only one workshop. You will not receive an immediate confirmation of your online registration. We will send you information about your registration by the end of August.
Is it possible to get credit for the workshops?
Participation in a workshop can earn 4 ePoints in HFDcert. HFDcert is the HFD Community Certificate, through which you can have activities and competencies in the area of digital teaching and learning recognized by the community and documented in an online portfolio. Information about recognition on HFDcert can be found here.
Providers of a higher education didactic or e-learning certificate can recognize the online event for the certificate program of your university. A total of 4 work units (1 AE = 45 min) can be acquired. Contact us to arrange details on this: or
Participants will receive a certificate of attendance upon completion of the event that meets dghd standards.