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Ein Stapel mit Papieren, Magazinen und Zeitungen, erstellt via Midjourney.
Ein Stapel mit Papieren, Magazinen und Zeitungen, erstellt via Midjourney.
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88 Suchergebnisse

European Digital Micro-Credentials – A Strategic Direction for German Higher Educational Institutions

European Digital Micro-Credentials – A Strategic Direction for German Higher Educational Institutions

Digital credentials in general, and micro-credentials more narrowly, are increasingly vital, trusted tools for higher education institutions as they adapt to the demands of life-long learners and the evolving labour market. Their implementation is proving to be advantageous in learning recognition, student mobility, employability, and institutional efficiency. To understand the terminology and state of play at a European level, and how European Digital Credentials for Learning (EDC) can provide a framework for enhancing educational offerings for German Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), we contacted Ildiko Mazar and Kia Likitalo from the European Learning Model (ELM) Support team.

Growing Risks: Digital Infrastructure Under Pressure

Growing Risks: Digital Infrastructure Under Pressure

Public institutions, including universities, are increasingly the focus of cyber attacks. University management is aware of this development. At the same time, however, there is a discrepancy between the perception of the general threat situation and the threat to their own institution. What do the data tell us, and what could be done to change this? Channa van der Brug speaks with Marian Burk, responsible for the recently published Hochschul-Barometer, who sheds light on the matter.

Impressions from the EDUCAUSE Annual Conference 2024: Perspectives from a European university representative

Impressions from the EDUCAUSE Annual Conference 2024: Perspectives from a European university representative

Isabel Gallin (EUNIS, KIT) reports on this year's EDUCAUSE Annual Conference in San Antonio, Texas. This conference is one of the leading events on digitalization in higher education and offers the opportunity to gain exciting insights into global trends and to deepen the transatlantic exchange.

International, joint curriculum development: What is the impact of European university alliances?

International, joint curriculum development: What is the impact of European university alliances?

In this article, Channa van der Brug, International Program Manager at Hochschulforum Digitalisierung, sheds light on how European university alliances jointly develop curricula and study programmes. She presents three of these alliances in more detail: CHARM-EU, EDUC and ECIU University. In discussions with representatives of the alliances, she learns about the different approaches they take to collaborative curriculum development.

Experiences and insights into the development of an IT infrastructure for learning and teaching in the university alliance “Unite!”

Experiences and insights into the development of an IT infrastructure for learning and teaching in the university alliance “Unite!”

The university alliance Unite! has been promoting student mobility since 2019 with the creation of various IT platforms. A comprehensive review by Martin Ebner and Sandra Schön (both from Graz University of Technology) provides interesting insights into the current challenges of setting up a shared IT infrastructure for learning and teaching - and also mentions cross-case insights and solutions.

Behind the Screens – With Christien Bok

Behind the Screens – With Christien Bok

The Hochschulforum Digitalisierung thrives on dynamic encounters, fresh ideas and people who get hands-on. Without the community, the HFD would be unthinkable. Celebrating 10 years of HFD therefore means, above all, celebrating 10 years of community involvement! That's why, in this series of portraits, we are introducing members of the community who have helped shape 10 years of HFD history. We are curious: What is their individual contribution to the digital transformation at universities? What special insights do they draw from their work? What motivates them? This time with: Christien Bok.

How can universities support students in complex crises?

How can universities support students in complex crises?

The HFD blog series "Toolbox on Student Wellbeing in the Digital Age" deals with the relationship between student mental health and digitalization processes at universities. Tanja Brock and Jan Schuhr provide helpful ideas for promoting health in everyday university life in the form of a toolbox. In the fourth and final part of this blog series, complex crises among students are addressed and possibilities and limits are shown as to how lecturers can deal with these situations appropriately.

Social check-in for the implementation of online teaching formats

Social check-in for the implementation of online teaching formats

After Tool 2 of the blog series "Student Wellbeing in Digital Studies" addressed ways and tools for ensuring psychosocial safety in the planning and preparation of courses, this blog post focuses on promoting student wellbeing during the delivery of courses. The focus is on synchronous online teaching using video conferencing systems, which is also playing a role at many universities after the coronavirus pandemic. Based on our interviews with students, we present ways in which a good start to an online seminar can be designed, with a focus on promoting appreciative relationships between lecturers and students as well as between students.

Student use of AI tools in everyday university life: continuities and changes

Student use of AI tools in everyday university life: continuities and changes

Unfortunately, the student perspective is often neglected in the discussion about the use of AI tools at universities. But do students even want to use ChatGPT? What opportunities and risks do they see in the use of generative AI? Last winter, Timucin Cicek, Prof. Dr. Tobias Seidl and Prof. Cornelia Vonhof from Stuttgart Media University published key findings from a student survey on the use of AI tools in the HFD blog post "Hey ChatGPT, can you help me?". Now they continue with surprising answers to the question of what continuities and changes they observed.

Preparing psychosocial inclusivity in courses

Preparing psychosocial inclusivity in courses

A conducive teaching and learning environment is crucial for success in higher education. This includes addressing psychological and socio-cultural needs in (digital) courses. Digital platforms such as Moodle or Stud.IP often make individual concerns invisible. The dialog template in the appendix of this article helps to promote an open exchange and define common rules of interaction.

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