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Ein Stapel mit Papieren, Magazinen und Zeitungen, erstellt via Midjourney.
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2 Suchergebnisse

The provision of generative AI in universities: What is possible and what is desirable?

The provision of generative AI in universities: What is possible and what is desirable?

German universities are facing the challenge of making tools based on generative artificial intelligence (AI) accessible for research, teaching and administration. The focus is currently on the accessibility of commercially available tools such as ChatGPT. However, the issue of non-commercial, open source-based solutions is also increasingly coming to the fore in the discussions. What options are there, what are the advantages and disadvantages and what role does cross-university cooperation play here?

In der oberen Bildhälfte sind zu dekorativen Zwecken Server abgebildet. Titel des Blogbeitrags: "DIE BEREITSTELLUNG GENERATIVER KI IN HOCHSCHULEN: WAS IST MÖGLICH UND WAS WÜNSCHENSWERT?" Untertitel: Ein

Can AI revolutionise higher education? An interview with Claudia de Witt

Can AI revolutionise higher education? An interview with Claudia de Witt

Artificial intelligence in higher education raises great expectations for improved quality of teaching and learning. As a professor of educational theory and media pedagogy at the FernUniversität in Hagen, Claudia de Witt researches methods and applications of AI in studying, teaching and further education. In an interview with Prof. de Witt, Lavinia Ionica, program manager […]

Bild: "Data has a better Idea"