Elements of AI – Mattermost Live Interview
Elements of AI – Mattermost Live Interview
Recently, the strategy consultancy Reaktor has gained a lot of attention due to the Elements of AI MOOC they built in collaboration with the University of Helsinki. The course is open globally and already 1% of the Finnish population has signed up to learn about the basics of AI – reason enough to challenge other countries to master the 1% hurdle as well.
On Wednesday, 15 May 2019, we’ll be having a live interview session with Ville Valtonen, Chief Marketing Executive of Reaktor. The interview serves as a first input in advance of next week’s session “Policy Track – National Digital Initiatives” during EMOOCs in Naples, which Oliver Janoschka (Hochschulforum Digitalisierung) will chair. Join us on Mattermost for the Live Interview Session. We have created a new channel called Live Interview for this purpose.
The Interview will start around 12:10 pm.
This is an experiment. We are curious to see who is attending or even participating and look forward to the session.