Learning analytics and AI

In May 2025, four representatives from TU Darmstadt and RheinMain University of Applied Sciences Wiesbaden will travel to Norway to explore learning analytics and artificial intelligence (AI). These technologies offer new possibilities for personalizing teaching and learning processes, but have only been used sporadically in Germany to date.
The delegation team will examine best practices from international universities that have implemented innovative solutions to support self-regulated learning and teachers. The destination of the trip is the University of Bergen, where learning analytics and AI are already well established. In particular, the Center for the Science of Learning and Technology (SLATE) and the Learning Lab coordinate successful projects such as EduTrust AI and Scalable LA in Higher Educationwhich were honored at the international conference for Learning Analytics.
The delegation team not only wants to build networks and exchange experiences, but also discuss and develop specific ideas and approaches. The focus will be on the following topics, among others:
- Methodological-didactic concepts for the implementation and use of learning analytics and AI in higher education
- Technical infrastructure concepts for learning analytics and AI systems
- Learning Analytics Policy as a university-wide instrument for promoting awareness
- The next steps in learning analytics and AI: inclusion of student advisory services, diversity offices and much more
The findings from the delegation’s visit are disseminated in various networks. In the project HessenHub they flow into working groups and open formats such as the “Digital Coffee Round“. At university level, they are presented in specialist groups and shared in the Learning Analytics section of the ILIAS community. In addition, the results are published via a Hangout and digital experience reports shared. Further information will follow at a later date.
Delegation team
The delegation team is made up of the following representatives:
- Lisa Ulzheimer (RheinMain University of Applied Sciences): Use of AI in university teaching and development of training concepts for teachers.
- Nina Christ,(RheinMain University of Applied Sciences): Promoting the use of AI in university teaching and implementing AI-based systems, such as chatbots, to support university members.
- Julia Geißler (RheinMain University of Applied Sciences): Implementation of Learning Analytics as part of the joint project HessenHub and development of didactic concepts and technical solutions.
- Christian Hoppe (TU Darmstadt – Head of the e-learning working group): Implementation of Learning Analytics as part of the joint project HessenHub as well as development of didactic concepts and technical solutions.