Interview: The Conference “Strategies Beyond Borders – Transforming Higher Education in a Digital Age”
Interview: The Conference “Strategies Beyond Borders – Transforming Higher Education in a Digital Age”
On 09 September 2019 the registration for the international strategy conference Strategies Beyond Borders opens. The event is organized jointly by the Hochschulforum Digitalisierung and the German Academic Exchange Service and will take place in Berlin on 9 and 10 December. What is to be expected at the conference? Alexander Knoth of the DAAD and Florian Rampelt – who worked for Hochschulforum Digitalisierung at the time of this interview – provide a compact overview.
In a nutshell: What makes the conference “Strategies Beyond Borders – Transforming Higher Education in a Digital Age” special?
Alexander Knoth
Higher education is changing in the digital age, but it also faces new challenges. The possibilities of digitisation for international cooperation, the internationalisation of teaching and learning and the higher education institutions themselves play an important role in this.
Cooperation across borders and the entanglement of digitisation and internationalisation lead to a rethinking and the development or adaptation of strategies within higher education institutions.
Florian Rampelt
It is precisely this entanglement that is characterised by the cooperation between Hochschulforum Digitalisierung and the DAAD. The expertise of the HFD from its nationwide strategy consultancies is complemented by the DAAD with its worldwide activities and networks, which of course also encompass the international and European level of digital change in higher education. Accordingly, we have been working together since the start of the Hochschulforum Digitalisierung and are increasingly addressing strategic issues together.
Alexander Knoth
In six thematic clusters we will therefore examine strategically relevant cross-sectional areas within the framework of the conference. In terms of content, a wide range of topics can be expected; from the formulation of forward-looking strategies to very practice-oriented insights into innovative pilot projects. With the participation of international experts we also want to promote international exchange directly on site. Our joint initiative “Bologna Digital” focuses again and again on this international peer-to-peer focus.
Who do the partners expect at the conference? (In the sense of: Which visitors should register?)
Florian Rampelt
We expect from the HFD consortium partners Stifterverband, CHE and HRK members from our HFD community in particular. These are mainly players from universities and higher education policy in Germany – and increasingly also from Europe. The strategic focus is particularly on university management and employees who bear strategic responsibility for the areas of digitisation and/or internationalisation. In addition to the universities from the HFD peer-to-peer consulting sector, we expect above all universities that are looking for direct exchange via the conference format and perhaps also want to learn something from each other.
Alexander Knoth
…and clearly with an international focus, to which we as the DAAD naturally want to make a very special contribution. We also expect experts from showcase projects of the conference’s thematic clusters, and also from DAAD-funded projects.
A Call for Contributions is currently running for this very idea of showcase projects and ideas. Who should apply and with which topics?
Alexander Knoth
The conference focuses on actors who deal with digitization in studies and teaching as well as (international) cooperation. Contributions should have a strategic relevance for higher education institutions or higher education policy and have a large transfer potential. We were recently asked whether these could also be innovative ideas that have not yet been fully implemented. The answer: Yes, of course!
Florian Rampelt
For orientation purposes, we have defined six clusters that start at different levels. These range from education policy initiatives to university strategies, innovative infrastructures to the student perspective, which in our view is indispensable for strategic measures.
Digitalisation usually also means: co-designing. How can participants influence the conference beyond their own contribution?
Alexander Knoth
Whether with active submission for the call or regular participation: the conference is characterised by a colourful mix of national and international experts who want to learn from each other and make a difference together. The focus is on the exchange of expertise and experiences from the respective contexts, projects, institutions and countries. How can we jointly shape higher education in the digital age innovatively in the long term and adapt strategies for the future?
Florian Rampelt
Exactly. Local cooperation and exchange, within a broad spectrum of formats, should lay the foundation for cooperation – beyond the conference and institutional boundaries. As an informal highlight, we are continuing the “Beer-to-Peer” evening programme, which was successfully tested last year.
When can I register? And how many participants can come?
Florian Rampelt
From Monday, 9 September 2019, interested persons will have the opportunity to register. Places are limited: We have room for 250 people at the Allianz Forum in Berlin. The conference is free of charge, no participation fees will be charged. Invitations to those whose proposals are selected for presentations and other formats will be sent out in October.
Alexander Knoth
We are very much looking forward to many exciting guests, the cooperation with the Hochschulforum Digitalisierung and to jointly advancing the strategic development of higher education in Germany and internationally!