HFDcon 2018 – Network Meeting

After a successful kick-off event in 2017, this year’s network meeting will take place on September 25 at the Allianz Forum in Berlin.

PLEASE NOTE: The event is fully booked. The registration is closed.

The network meeting offers participants the opportunity to deal with questions and problems in the field of digital teaching and learning and to enter into a cross-university dialog with actors from different subject cultures.

The event is intended to address the concrete practical challenges that universities face in the digitization of teaching and make them tangible. In addition to an open barcamp, in which participants can set their own topics and present examples of applications from their own teaching or university, there will also be workshops on various topics to promote exchange and build expertise.

The event is part of the Network for University Teaching.

Arbeit an einer Flipchart

Network meeting 2017 - Image: Bettina Ausserhofer/Stifterverband



Tuesday, September 25, 2018, 9:30 a.m. – 6:15 p.m.

Allianz Forum, Pariser Platz 6, 10117 Berlin

Idea pitch from 6:30 p.m. – approx. 7:45 p.m.

Open Beer from 19.45 – approx. 21.00 h

9.30 Uhr - 10.00 Uhr

Registration, coffee and market of opportunities

10.00 Uhr - 10.30 Uhr


Prof. Dr. Joachim Metzner, Chairman of the Network Oliver Janoschka, Office Manager of the Hochschulforum Digitalisierung

10.30 Uhr - 11.00 Uhr

Brief presentation of the workshops

Dr. habil. Malte Persike, Academic Advisor & Research Associate, Johannes Gutenberg U Mainz

11.00 Uhr - 13.15 Uhr

Workshop Sessions

13.15 Uhr - 14.15 Uhr

Lunch and market of opportunities

14.15 Uhr - 15.00 Uhr

Barcamp Pitch

15.00 Uhr - 15.15 Uhr


Ulrich Schüller, Head of Department 4 "Science System" at the Federal Ministry of Education and Research

15.15 Uhr - 16.15 Uhr

Barcamp sessions (1)

16.15 Uhr - 16.45 Uhr

Coffee break

16.45 Uhr - 17.45 Uhr

Barcamp Sessions (2)

17.45 Uhr - 18.30 Uhr

Conclusion and farewell

18.30 Uhr - 19.45 Uhr

Idea pitch: conceptual & prototypical solution models in the context of an international university platform

Presentation of ideas from the HFD community on an international higher education platform.

19.45 Uhr - Schluss

Open Beer

Informal get-together, open to all interested parties

Event formats at the network meeting

Market of Opportunities: In a market of opportunities, participants will have the opportunity to learn about teaching projects previously submitted in the form of poster presentations.

Workshops: In workshops, university projects and developments on the topics of digital teaching and digital support are presented and worked on with the involvement of the participants.
There will be up to 10 workshop sessions, each lasting 120 minutes.

Barcamp: The barcamp offers participants the opportunity to present examples of use from their own teaching or university and to discuss or continue insights from the workshops. The Barcamp is an open event format that is designed by the participants themselves. In the pitch round and session planning, participants briefly present their proposed topics for the barcamp. Each barcamp session lasts about 60 minutes.