Delegation trips 2024
What do innovative approaches and effective solutions for the further development of digital learning and teaching look like, and what are the success factors?

Five selected HFD-funded delegation teams took up the challenge of designing a “Peer Learning Journey” to gather information abroad, network with international partners and share good practices in Germany.
They applied in 2023 with a strategically relevant topic for the German higher education system and a convincing overall concept and destination. Your travel period was freely selectable, the team should be as diverse and professionally suitable as possible.
In 2024, we are focusing on the teams’ results to ensure that everyone can benefit from the knowledge gained. You can look forward to a variety of videos, blogs, hangouts, podcasts and travel diaries that will be published in the coming months.
The following topics will be examined as part of the delegation trips to European universities.
- Netherlands, including Utrecht University, University of Rotterdam, on the topic:New learning spaces in new building on campus
- Austria, Graz University of Technology, on the topic:Future Skills and Teaching Competence for the Digital Transformation in Higher Education.
- Israel, Gordon Academic College (GACE), on the topic:Hybrid International Teaching & Learning – HILL
- Netherlands, Delft University of Technology on the topic:Open-Educational-Resources-Ambassadors
- England, Imperial College London and University of Brighton, on the topic:Students-as-partners approach (Anglo-Saxon approach).
Representatives from the following German universities will participate in the trips: Evangelische Hochschule Dresden; TU Hamburg; HCU Hamburg; International University (IU); HTW Saar; SRH Heidelberg; Ruhr-Universität Bochum, ORCA; Virtueller Campus Rheinland-Pfalz (VCRP); University of Marburg; TU Braunschweig; University of Hildesheim; Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences.