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2 Suchergebnisse

ChatGPT and Co. in university teaching – perspectives from students and teachers

ChatGPT and Co. in university teaching – perspectives from students and teachers

The release of ChatGPT in November 2022 has led to the wider use of artificial intelligence (AI) reaching into the mainstream. AI tools have long since found their way into colleges and universities. But how do students and teachers actually view this change? What are the opportunities and challenges of using AI tools in university teaching? Lukas Erle, Thomas Hoss and Prof. Dr. Sabrina Eimler (Department of Human Factors & Gender Studies at the Institute of Computer Science at the Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences in Bottrop) put these and other questions to students and teachers at various German colleges and universities.

Student use of AI tools in everyday university life: continuities and changes

Student use of AI tools in everyday university life: continuities and changes

Unfortunately, the student perspective is often neglected in the discussion about the use of AI tools at universities. But do students even want to use ChatGPT? What opportunities and risks do they see in the use of generative AI? Last winter, Timucin Cicek, Prof. Dr. Tobias Seidl and Prof. Cornelia Vonhof from Stuttgart Media University published key findings from a student survey on the use of AI tools in the HFD blog post "Hey ChatGPT, can you help me?". Now they continue with surprising answers to the question of what continuities and changes they observed.