Tanja Brock (sie/ihr), Kultur- und Medienwissenschaftlerin M.A.; wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Zentrum für Forschung, Weiterbildung und Beratung an der ehs Dresden, in den Projekten ENHANCE (Mental Health im Kontext von Digitalisierungsprozessen an Hochschulen) und Smarte Jugendarbeit in Sachsen. Tanja Brock promoviert im DFG-Graduiertenkolleg "Folgen sozialer Hilfen” an der Universität Siegen zu digitalen Medienpraktiken von Adressat:innen der Offenen Kinder- und Jugendarbeit.


Social check-in for the implementation of online teaching formats

After Tool 2 of the blog series "Student Wellbeing in Digital Studies" addressed ways and tools for ensuring psychosocial safety in the planning and preparation of courses, this blog post focuses on promoting student wellbeing during the delivery of courses. The focus is on synchronous online teaching using video conferencing systems, which is also playing a role at many universities after the coronavirus pandemic. Based on our interviews with students, we present ways in which a good start to an online seminar can be designed, with a focus on promoting appreciative relationships between lecturers and students as well as between students.


A toolbox on “Student wellbeing in digital studies”

How are the mental health of students and digitalization processes at universities connected? What about the support structures for students at universities? And how can online teaching or digitally supported teaching be designed to promote health? Tanja Brock and Jan Schuhr addressed these and similar questions in the enhance research and development project. They present important results in the form of a toolbox in four blog posts.