Channa van der Brug ist Programmmanagerin Internationalisierung im Hochschulforum Digitalisierung beim Stifterverband.

Sie verfügt über mehr als 20 Jahre Erfahrung im Bildungsbereich und arbeitete bei der Hogeschool Utrecht und bei akademischen Verlagsunternehmen in Norwegen. Nach einem Aufenthalt in Dänemark, wo sie am DTU, Det Tekniske Universitet, arbeitete, war sie Programme Director bei einer Konferenz für technologiegestützte Lehre und Lernen.

Ihr Studium English and American Studies absolvierte sie an der Universität Utrecht in den Niederlanden.


Growing Risks: Digital Infrastructure Under Pressure

Public institutions, including universities, are increasingly the focus of cyber attacks. University management is aware of this development. At the same time, however, there is a discrepancy between the perception of the general threat situation and the threat to their own institution. What do the data tell us, and what could be done to change this? Channa van der Brug speaks with Marian Burk, responsible for the recently published Hochschul-Barometer, who sheds light on the matter.


International, joint curriculum development: What is the impact of European university alliances?

In this article, Channa van der Brug, International Program Manager at Hochschulforum Digitalisierung, sheds light on how European university alliances jointly develop curricula and study programmes. She presents three of these alliances in more detail: CHARM-EU, EDUC and ECIU University. In discussions with representatives of the alliances, she learns about the different approaches they take to collaborative curriculum development.


Editor’s Pick: 5 Must-see Keynotes in English at the University:Future Festival 2024

The University:Future Festival (U:FF) provides such an opportunity for critical reflection, sharing of best practice and key insights into what's working at the cutting edge by bringing together educators, staff and students, as well as policy makers from across Germany and Europe. To broaden your perspective, here are my 5 must-see keynotes in English from the festival's stellar line-up:


Towards an Interoperable Higher Education Landscape

Are you eager to access comprehensive student performance data across multiple platforms? Keen on collaborating seamlessly with fellow educators across various institutions? Do you envision a single platform to log in as a student? As an administrator, are you looking for more efficient academic recognition processes? Good news: The European Digital Education Hub is making strides with a key initiative that responds to these wishes – by developing a European higher education interoperability framework. We spoke to Channa van der Brug, who has been closely monitoring the progress of this initiative since its launch in September 2023, informed by insights from the HFD study “Making Interoperability Work”. She will unveil the progress made and its relevance to you!


Working together to increase cybersecurity at universities: Good Practices from France

The digital transformation of higher education has revolutionized the way universities operate and engage with their stakeholders. However, it brings new challenges, for example in the area of cybersecurity. The increasing number of Cyberattacks on universities – as does Hans Pongratz, an expert at the Center for Higher Education (zhb) at TU Dortmund University, at […]


Raising Cyber Security in Higher Education through Coordinated Efforts: Good Practices from France

The digital transformation of higher education has revolutionised how universities operate and engage with their stakeholders. However, it also brings about new challenges, for instance in the realm of cybersecurity. The increase of the number of cyber attacks on universities – as Hans Pongratz, expert at the Zentrum für HochschulBildung (zhb) of TU Dortmund, pointed out […]

Cover image of blog entry "RAISING CYBER SECURITY IN HIGHER EDUCATION." Subtitle: "A blog post by Channa van der Brug and Pierre Boulet. Good Practices from France. Image at right shows a lock on a keyboard. Logo on bottom right: Hochschulforum Digitalisierung.

Embracing the Future at U:FF

An exciting line-up of thought-provoking panels and talks showcased at the University:Future Festival 2023 will explore the innovative approaches that are shaping the future of higher education today. In the following, HFD’s own Channa van der Brug walks you through some of the most anticipated English language sessions of the festival. With a diverse range of […]

Sharepic for international sessions at U:FF 2023, Text: University:Future Festival 2023 I 26.04. - 28.04.2023,BLOG POST,EMBRACING THE FUTURE: A sneak-peak into some of the  most anticipated English language sessions!, By Channa van der Brug; the logos of the HFD and StiL are pictured in the lower right-hand corner, the U:FF logo is displayed in the upper left corner